When I think in terms of helping people learn to be even better, it automatically puts me into an empathetic mode (because teaching, fundamentally, is about understanding where the learner is coming from).
...the best bosses seem to keep asking themselves: “Why am I doing this? Is it because I am on an ego trip and trying to get more goodies and glory for myself? Or is it really the best thing for enhancing my people’s collective performance and humanity?”
and Bob goes on to ask the question,
When bosses can honestly answer the question with a “yes” (and peers, bosses, and followers concur with their assessment), good things happen. People do good work. They experience dignity and pride in each other.
What do you think of this view of leadership? Does it strike you as right? Or is it too idealistic?
I think John is demonstrating what Leadership is all about. All these qualities - empathy, helping others, listening to others, patience, humility, looking at oneself critically, comes only one is in deep touch with oneself. That is when love blossoms and reflects in all our actions.